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Part 1

This story starts with Donna. A little girl, just turned ten, who lived with her father. Donna grew up with a fear of the tooth fairy. This fear caused her to have terrible nightmares for years, disturbing her own sleeping patterns as well as her father’s. Finally, her father had enough and began his own “therapy sessions” with her to make her grow out of this fear of the tooth fairy. Although he was a licensed therapist, these sessions weren’t exactly typical sessions.
















In these sessions, her father would forcibly pull her teeth, causing the tooth fairy to “visit” and forcing Donna to confront her fear. After some time, the torture inflicted on her became too much, and Donna died as a result of her fear. Now a restless spirit, she hated her father for what he had done to her and blamed him for her death.


Donna returned to her father’s place of work, only to find him distraught. Failure, his worst fear, is realized; however, it was not in the way she had expected. He did not feel failure in the fact that he had killed his only child, but in the fact that his sessions had not worked. His prioritizing his career over her well-being and mourning her loss is what finally sent Donna over the edge. She haunted his business unti no one would go to him for any kind of session, and eventually he had to shut it down. The stress of each failure added up after another finally killed her father, and Donna had achieved her goal: forcing her father to suffer the same fate he had given her. This revenge didn’t make her pain go away, and she began to search for a way to finally be at rest.


Part 2


Meanwhile, I, Phobos, the God of Fear, could feel Donna’s pain and felt responsible for everything she was going through. After centuries of destroying towns and cities with my father, Ares, and brother, Deimos, through fear and war, I saw Donna as an opportunity to redeem myself with mortals. I believed she deserved to experience a real childhood and, if I could give it to her, maybe she could finally be at peace. I truly believe that there is joy in fear and I want to spread that message to every mortal who will listen.


When Donna and I met, I introduced her to the idea that fear is a good thing and can have positivity associated with it. Though hesitant, she agreed to trust me. Over time, I built this town (welcome to Thanatopia!) as a way to allow her, and other people who seek it, to enjoy their fears and allow them to experience the thrill it can cause. I invite anyone who wishes to experience the town to come enjoy it. 














Unbeknownst to me, my brother Deimos (the God of Terror and Dread) also felt Donna’s pain when she died. Capitalizing on the rage and fear she still feels, Deimos convinced Donna to help him destroy the town from within because he believes mortals should be very very afraid. She vowed then and there that she will remind the world of what fear can do, and enact her revenge through this town.


She decided to make everyone suffer her fate; only then will they truly feel the pain she felt. Donna is plagued by the idea that fear and pain are one in the same.  So, only with torture can she find her peace. Deimos visits the town when the veil is at its thinnest (around October and the Halloween season) to help Donna terrorize the mortals and foil my plans of joy. As the years continued, realizing my immense failure, I did try to hide any trace of Donna. You can still find her if you look.


Part 3


The land of Thanatopia is centered around my Phobia Phactory, where I create the Phobias. Once created, the Phobias spread out into the surrounding abandoned town, a bit like pollution. These are Phobias like the fear of spiders (ArachnoPhobia), the fear of the dark (NyctoPhobia), the fear of water (AquaPhobia), etc. that have been almost personified. 


The Phobias bleed into each other, but each themes certain rides, experiences, areas, shops, and restaurants within my town. I could always expand by adding more and more Phobias as I create them! The Phobia Phactory itself holds a dark ride that is central to the land. 













Mortal guests have been invited here specifically to be scared, but they are not supposed to fear for their lives. Though not all of the guests have not been made aware of her, Donna haunts different areas of the town at different times of day. When Donna is haunting, that area is even more terrifying for the guests. Clocks spin out of control, rides convert to a creepier format, whispers can be heard, and Donna can be glimpsed in mirrors and windows. This is usually random so that guests cannot predict where Donna will be or when.


The last hour or two of the day, when it is dark, Donna takes over the entire town and all rides and experiences are at their most scary. Please don't worry though, almost everyone gets out alive.



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